Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has conducted the written exam for the recruitment in Central Police Forces as an Assistant Commandants in BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP, SSB on 08-10-2011 for 497 Posts.
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SSC CPO Prelims 2017 – Answer Key Cutoff Discussion All Shifts (02nd July 2017)
SSC CPO Prelims 2017 Shift II – Answer Key, Cutoff Discussion (1st july 2017)
SSC CPO Answer Key, Cutoff Discussion – Shift I (1st Jul 2017)
SSC CPO 2017 Prelims Exam Answer Key, Cutoff Discussion – All Shifts
CPF Written Exam Results : Here
There were no change in the pattern of exam and question were asked based on previous exam patterns. There were 150 questions for various sections including essay, Precis writing and comprehension.
This time exam was of average type and it is expected that cutoff would be little higher this time.
All such candidates who appeared for the written exam for CPF may share their expected marks here and we will try to aggregate the expected cutoff marks based on the sampling method.
We request all the candidates of CPF 2011 to share their expected marks so that we can calculate the expected cutoff and You can get more time for preparation of your next level of physical and medical test.
GET CPF Exam Results 2011 : Here
Answer key will be published later once we will get the Question Paper for various SET of CPF. We request all the candidates who had given the CPF exam to share the question paper so that we can provide them the exact cutoff marks for CPF 2011.
Answer key for various SET of CPF 2011
SET A Answer Key | SET B Answer Key | SET C Answer Key | SET D Answer Key
Please check again the q.no. 118 on answer provided for option . D… would not it be C as It broadly emphasize on the constitution guarantying the Human right and just mere suspicion is also included in it….
Response to the option D as just mere suspicion is given and this is not a valid logical reason, and information should be safeguard by written or like constitution on Fundamental Rights…
nt getting ur point bro
plz elucidate
when excessive sewage is dumped into water ,the dissolved oxygen will reduce due to the oxygen used in breaking down the organic matter,the increase in algal bloom is not right…
refer the process calld Biomagnification.
Oops sorry !!!!
the process is Eutrophication.
slip of thoughts.:-)
the state close to 90 longitude is assam and not manipur
it's being asked most benefitted, not close!
hats off to UPSC
gkrishna ji this time paper was easy as compared to last years so i cut off can be above hundred
but 90+ is also a good score
best of luck dude
u r fool, just check the paper of 2010, all ur misconceptions will be cleared.
last year 20 maths Q's wre a Creampie.
n 10-15 passage Q's was a bonus.
this time scenario was completely difficult.
no scope fr easy marks fetching.
Conclusively, papr needed analytical, smart, up-to-date mind.
from no angle it ws easy than previous yr's.
ya agreed with ash.
please upload set-d answer i’m waiting
i think it cut off would be around 100 marks in paper 1 and 110 around in paper 2
bengal has highest density and not bihar
dear……………Bihar having a highest density not bengal according to census 2011.
excuse me sir.. acording to census 2011 bihar is no 1.
bihar 1129 and bengal 1029