Civil Services In India: Today many aspirants yearn to serve the country by taking up one of the coveted career of being a civil servant, and in this endeavor they have to sail through one of the toughest competitive examinations conducted by the Union Public Service Commission(UPSC).There is a passion to strive for what they dream, Ignoring the wider opportunities and much more sophisticated world that private organizations could provide them with.
There are no barriers to attempt such an examination, whether it is the language, degree, economic status etc. nothing stops an aspiring individual dedicated to serve the country, to attempt this examination. The process of recruitment ensures the people with merit only succeed. These civil servants strive to empower the society from policy implementation to policy making supporting the government in its welfare measures.
UPSC releases its examination calendar every year wherein the Civil Service Examination finds its place invariably. The notification detailing the number of vacancies is released by the mid-February and the application are open for registration till march of that year. Vacancies can be revised anytime . Civil Service Examination CSE) is conducted for a total of 24 services in which Railway Management Service (IRMS) was included this year increasing the total number of vacancies. There are 2 all over India Services among 24 and the others are Group A and Group B Services. Preferences regarding Service, Cadre, State etc would be obtained form the candidates after they clear prelims. The service or cadre for each candidates will be assigned in the order of merit ranking obtained by these candidate by Department of Personnel & Training .Civil Services recruitment process by UPSC has undergone many reforms to bring highest standards of Examinations well as a level playing field in a diverse society to ensure that a person with exceptional aptitude and impeccable integrity joins the cadre of officers who form the bedrock of developing India. The change was brought in many dimensions like in the nature of questions, marks, subjects ,etc. and at different levels like preliminary ,Mains, and Interview. The year 2013 is one of the milestone in this regard, during which some remarkable changes like introduction of ethics as a subject, reduction of one optional subject etc were introduced.
Civil Services In India :
- Indian Administrative Service
- Indian Foreign Service
- Indian Police Service
- Indian P& T Accounts & Finance Service, Group A
- Indian Audit & Accounts Service, Group A
- Indian Revenue Service ( Customs and Central Excise),Group A
- Indian Defense Accounts Service, Group A
- Indian Revenue Service (IT), Group A
- Indian Ordanance Factories Service Group A
- Indian Postal Service ,Group A
- Indian Civil Accounts Service, Group A
- Indian Railway Traffic Service ,Group A
- Indian Railway Personnel Service ,Group A
- Indian Railway Accounts Service ,Group A
- Post of Assistant Security Commissioner, Group A in Railway Protection Force
- Indian Defense Estate Service (Junior Grade) ,Group A
- Indian Information Service ,Group A(Junior Grade)
- Indian Trade Service ,Group A(Grade 3)
- Indian Corporate Law Service ,Group A
- Armed Forces Headquarter Civil Service ,Group B(Section Officers Grade)
- The Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Island, Lakshadweep, Daman &Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Police Service, Group B
- Pondicherry Civil Service ,Group B
- Pondicherry Police Service, Group B