UIIC AO Exam Answer Key,Cutoff Analysis – United India Insurance Company recruitment of Administrative Officers (AO) exam updates and cutoff analysis along with answer key for the exam conducted on 12-06-2016. The exam conducted by UIIC for all the post like Financial, Law and Generalist posts.
Read : Cutoff Analysis of All the Exam
UIIC AO Exam Analysis
UIIC AO exam was conducted on 12th June 2016 at various location in India. There were total of 200 question were asked in the exam consisting all the section. There were approx 160 question in all section were moderate type and easy to score. It is believed that average scoring will be around 160-65+ in the exam out of 200.
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Section wise UIIC AO Exam Analysis
QA & Computers : The average scoring in this section was 14+
English : This section was moderate type with average attempt 17+ questions.
Reasoning : This section was moderate type with average scoring of 13+ questions.
General Awareness : This section was unexpected with average scoring of 18+
Descriptive Section : This section was purely based on the written practice. Candidates who are in preparation of bank exam got the paper very easy.
Expected Cut-off in AO UIIC
After going through the description of section wise scoring, you would already have guessed about the expected cutoff for UIIC AO exam. The cutoff would be higher side as the paper was moderate and easy for scoring. The expected cutoff for the various categories will be :
- General: -107+ Out of 150
- OBC : 89+ Out of 150
- SC/ST: 77+ Out of 150
GK question asked in UIIC exam :
Kaziranga National Park – Assam
Headquarters of IRDA – Hyderabad, Telangana
42nd G7 Summit was held at Shima Kanko Hotel in Kashiko Island, Shima, Mie Prefecture, Japan
Itlian Open Winner – Andy Murray
Basel Head Office – Switzerland
Why was SBI Travencore penalised for 1000cr – For deficiencies in reporting to the CRILC database
ASBA fullform – Application Supported by Blocked Amount
ICICI partner with which payment bank – Finotech
Mrinalini Sarabhia, who recently died, was related to which field – Indian classical dancer, choreographer and instructor
OECD prediction for India growth – 7.5%
Crisil related question
Who has been selected as the ICC chairman for the 2nd time? – Anil Kumble
Best Actor National Award 63rd – Amitabh Bachchan
Anti-corruption day – 9 Dec
In Basel norms, what is the full form of HQLA? – High Quality Liquid Assets
MCLR full form – Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR)
Bank to credit interest on deposits in how much time as stipulated by RBI recently
Minimum time frame for short term loans – 60 days to 120 days
Fasalbhima Yojana SAO full forM – Seasonal Agricultural Operational
In context of banking, what does ‘BBB’ stands for__? – Bank Board Bureau