RRB Chennai Recruitment 2013 For 5450 Vacancies : Railway Recruitment Board Chennai Recruitment of Group D Posts under Southern Railway, issued notification for filling 5450 vacancies in Southern Railway & ICF.
Apply Online through IROAMS (Indian Railway Online Application Management System) from 21st September 2013 to 21st October 2013.
Employment Notice No. RRC 02/2013 for post with Grade Pay Rs.1800/-
Name of the Post |
No of Vacancies |
Helper |
2473 |
Trackman |
1539 |
SCP/Porter |
847 |
Peon/Mail/Sanitary Cleaner / Vendor / Helper Grade-II |
252 |
Safaiwala |
132 |
Peon |
102 |
Store Khalasi |
92 |
Track Maintainer Grade-IV |
13 |
Age Limit: 18 to 33 years for General category; 18 to 36 years for OBC Category; 18 to 38 years for SC/ST Category candidates.
Minimum Educational Qualification: 10th Pass or ITI or equivalent from recognized state board or Institute.
Selection Process: As usual Railways and RRB Recruitment process i.e. Written Examination followed by Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Examination.
Examination Fee: Rs.100/- pay through Online Mode or Offline Mode.If applying Offline – a Crossed Demand Draft (DD) from State Bank of India or any of its associate banks drawn in favour of “The Assistant Personnel Officer/ Recruitment, RRC, Chennai-600008” payable at Chennai.
Fee exempted from SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen, Persons with Disabilities, Women and Minority and Economically Backward classes (Less than Rs.50000/- per annum family Income).
How To Apply: Apply Online@http://www.iroams.com/
Last Date : 21/10/2013 upto 17:00 Hrs.
For Enquiries: Contact 044-2821 3179/80/81/82/83 between 10.00 Hrs and 17.00 Hrs on working days (Monday to Friday)