UPSC CPF(AC) Selection Procedure and Criteria of Physical Test: UPSC Conducts CPF(AC) exam every year for recruitment of Officers as Assistant Commandants (AC) in Central Police Forces (CPF) i.e. SSB, BSF, ITBP, CISF, CRPF.
There is a fixed selection process for recruitment i.e. .
1. Written examination
2. Physical Efficiency Tests (PET) & Medical Standards Tests
3. Interview
Pattern of Written Examination:Click Here
Physical Standards and Efficiency Tests :
Only Written Qualified candidates are called for the Physical Standard Test.
Physical Efficiency Tests (PET):
(a) 100 Meters race | Males |
In 16 secondsFemales
In 18Seconds(b) 800 Meters raceIn 3 minutes
45 secondsIn 4min
45 seconds(c) Long Jump3.5 Meters
(3 chances)3.5 Meters
(3 chances)(d)shot-put(7.26kgs)4.5 meters_
At the time of physical efficiency test (PET) if the female candidate is pregnant then she will be disqualified.
3) Interview: Only qualified candidates of Physical test are called for Interview.Female candidates are eligible for appointment to CRPF, CISF and SSB only,Interview will carry 150 Marks.
4) Final selection: On the basis of written examination and Interview, final selection list will be prepared.
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