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Exam Tips SSC CGL Math,Quantitative Aptitude Preparation Guide,Syllabus

SSC CGL Math Preparation Guide and Tips with Syllabus and Pattern of Quantitative Aptitude in Exam. This is the only paper where almost every beginner get fear off. It is true because without proper knowledge and guide it is almost uncertain to solve the paper in exam. One can’t prepare this paper as like General Awareness. Mug it and solve it in the exam. For preparation of Math for SSC there is proper need of StudyPlan with lot of practice.

We have provided the step by step approach to Math preparation for SSC, Try to follow the preparation guide to boost your confidence in SSC exam especially in Quantitative Aptitude section.

Introduction :

Math or Quantitative Aptitude section of SSC exam covers up with 50 Multiple choice question with Negative marks of 0.25. Question in Math section are asked from various topics and it is explained in SSC Syllabus.If you don’t have the syllabus Go through it Here

The various Topics which are very important and question are asked generally every year are :

Topics No. Of Question Asked in 2010 No. Of Question Asked in 2011 No. Of Question Asked in 2012
Basic Maths           11 11 5
Number System 6 5 2
Algebra 6 1 5
Trigonometry none none 9
Geometry 3 5 12
Ratio and Averages 3 3 1
Time and Distance 6 5 2
Percentage / PL 6 14 5
Probability 3 0 1
DI 3 4 5
Others 3 2 3
Total 50 50 50


1. It is to noted that the questions are mainly asked from the Trigonometry and Geometry i.e. 21 Question from 50 around 42%. This is because these two topics were added from year 2012 in SSC syllabus. It is believed that the question will be asked from this section also in SSC CGL 2013.

Around 70% question are from Geometry, Trigonometry, Percentage and Algebra combined. Try to put emphasis much on these topics.

2. Question from traditional maths are decreasing day by day. Try not to waste much time on these topics.

3. Practice as much as you can through practice SET

Syllabus of SSC CGL is very broad. Candidates may classify this broad topics in to sub topics and prepare for each topics one by one.

Basic Maths 1. Simple maths based on basic Addition, Multiplication etc

2. Roots, Square , Cubes Number System

  1. Divisibility, remainders
  2. LCM and HCF
  3. find the number in series
  4. Fractions

 Algebra 1. Linear Algebra

2. Equation, Quadratic Equations Ratio And Average 1. Average

2. Ratio Analysis

3. Partnership Time and Distance 1. Time and Work

2. Pipes Trigonometry 1. Trigonometry calculation Geometry 1. Mensuration

2. Basic Angles, triangle etc Percentage / PL 1. Percentage

2. profit and Loss

3. DiscountProbability 1. Permutation and Combination

2. Basic Probability

How To Prepare For Math Topics ?

There should be very positive approach for preparation. Try to go through the topic selectively. Clear your concept first then practice. Most Ideal way to prepare is to cover each topics conceptually and go for practice set. For example : You have completed the topics Trigonometry in two days, go for practice set of trigonometry then move to another topic.Try to repeat this for all the topics.

Books for Preparation of Maths in SSC CGL

One should not go for multiple books for preparation in any of the Competitive exam. Always try to use one or two books for every subjects. One should not prepare for competitive exam after keeping only single exam in mind. 

Practice with NCERT Books : If you Don’t have download it from here below


You may also try to depend on Some Other Books which are Good for SSC CGL revised Syllabus

Objective Practice Maths By M. Tyra : Buy AT Discount Online@flipkart

Fast Track Objective Arithmetic (Arihant) : Buy At Discount

Previous year Question Paper SSC : Buy here


1. Be positive with your preparation

2. practice as much as you can This will help you in analyzing your mistake

3. You should learn TIME MANAGEMENT

4. Follow the preparation tips above


Preparation Tips for Various Subjects of SSC CGL are explained separately for each topics. 

General Awareness Tier I Click Here
Maths and Quantitative Aptitude for Tier I and II Click Here
Reasoning for Tier I Click Here
English Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension for Tier I and II Click Here
SSC CGL Job profiles of various posts Click Here

Career, Jobs & Trending News

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  • How to prepare maths geomatrical trignometriy nd algebra part.. Bcz its too hard topic.. I buy kiran publication's elementry advance maths book. Is thid book suffician for this topic.. My geomatricl topic not covering frm this book..if anyone help me than my mobile no is 8561934114

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