Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducted all India exams for recruitment of various posts in various department of Central Government through its exam Combined Graduate Level exam or CGL every year in the month of June or July.
The Combined Graduate Level Exam conducted by SSC has had two levels:
Tier I Exam: This is the prelims exam for CGL with written objective test
Tier II Exam: All the successful candidates of Tier I are eligible to sit in the Tier II exam which is also written objective test.
Tier III Exam: All the successful candidates of Tier II are eligible to face the personal interview.
Final merit list is prepared after total of Tier I + Tier II + Personal Interview
Pattern of Exam:
Tier I (200 marks – duration 2 hours)
(a) General Intelligence & Reasoning – 50 marks
(b) Gen.Awareness – 50marks
(c) Quantitative Aptitude – 50 marks
(d) English Comprehension – 50 marks
Reference Materials
To help candidates we had research and analyze the number of Books for SSC Preparations, Some of the Books For SSC CGL 2013 Exam are :
Tier I :
Prelims Complete Guide : Buy Here
SSC Tier I Question Banks : Buy Here at Discount
Tier II (400 marks)
(I) Quantitative Abilities – 200 marks (100 Questions) – 2 hours
(II) English Language & Comprehension – 200 marks.
Syllabus of Exam
Tier I Syllabus
General Intelligence and Reasoning:
We have specified the topics which are generally asked by SSC in CGL Exam. These are the important topics and reading these would surely help in clearing the Prelims..
Analogies: Semantic Analogy, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Figural Analogy
Semantic Classifications, Verbal and Non Verbal Series, Coding and decoding, Problem solving, Number Series, Venn Diagram, Statement conclusion, Arhematic reasoning, Embedded figures.
General Awareness:
This section has good blend of Current affairs and knowledge about other related field in common.
Reading on under mentioned topics would be beneficial in exam…
Questions are asked from theIndiaand Nation near by. Read the recent visits of various political, sporting and other activities of these nations includingIndiafor past six months.
Recent visits of Top leaders, submit held, Sports activity, Film directors, recent awards winners, Economic terms, few historical topics and certain question from geography and Science of basic nature.
Quantitative Aptitude or Math:
This paper covers the subjects covering Number System, Age Relationship, Ratio and Proportion, Partnership, Time and Distance, Triangle puzzle, Chart Diagram, Trigonometric Ratio, Menstruation and some common basic mathematics
This is the area where maximum students score less. Our suggestion to them to read the following topics which cover the maximum questions in Exam like Sentence making, grammatical mistake, writing ability, Comprehension
NOTE: Important part is that from this time SSC has declared that there will be minimum cutoff for each section; cutoff for each section will be fixed by commission.
Check for Model SSC Question Papers
SSC CGL EXAM 2013 New Pattern,Revised Syllabus
How To Apply For SSC CGL Exam Online ?
How To Choose Options For Posts In SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam ?
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