List of Presidents and Prime Ministers of Countries in World With Capitals

Here is the list of Current Presidents and Prime Ministers of all the Countries in the world. These are the name of countries which are generally asked in the current affairs/General awareness section of various competitive exams like IBPS, SSC, Railways, UPSC, SSC, Bank Exam etc.

The name of few presidents and prime Ministers may change due to change of regime. Please do update if you find any at comment section. This list covers all the Nation recognized by United Nation Forum by all the member countries, where as there are also few countries which are not recognized by all the countries of United Nation but at least One Member Nation of United Nation.

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Check Out the List of All President and Prime Ministers or Head of the Country of All The Nation in The World this year.

  1. Thanks…

  2. thank u so much….

  3. A work jis par tarif ki ja sakti hai bas thoda upadation ki jarorat hai

  4. It is good but need updated information

  5. Plz snd me some tips for SBI bank exam

  6. This is not updated…………..Like Prime minister of Australia is Kevin Rudd many more in this list please be updated guys don't believe this at all ??????????????

  7. good but please up date who’s who

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