Punjab and Sind Bank , A public sector bank has issued notification against recruitment of 800 Single Window Operator Vacancies in clerical cadre. They have also published the recruitment vacancy for 900 Probationary Officers (PO).
All the recruitment are entirely based the IBPS CWE scorecard and TWSS based on the CWE-Clerk exam.
IBPS Score :
Any candidates who hold the valid scorecard of IBPS CWE-Clerk can apply for the exam. Individual can check the state wise vacancy from the mentioned link below.
Important Dates
Opening Date for Online Registration: 02-05-2012
Closing Date for Online Registration: 18-05-2012
Payment of Application Fee /Postage Charge: 02-05-2012
Application Fees
Candidates must download the Challan from Punjab and Sind Bank official website and make the payment in any of the CBS Punjab and Sind Bank branches. Amount of fee would be Rs. 200/- for General and OBC candidates and Rs. 50/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates.
Fee can also be paid by the use of NEFT at any NEFT enable branch. Application must be paid in Account no. 06061100068286 with Rajendra Place, New Delhi -110008 Branch in the name & style of PSB Clerical Recruitment-2012-13”.
Check Details