Syndicate Bank Exam pattern: The exam consists of below four tests:
1) Test of Reasoning
2) Test of Numerical Ability
3) Test of Computer Awareness
4) Test of English
Each tests carry 50 questions, Test of English is a qualifying test and marks obtained in this test do not count in the final merit list.Test of Reasoning and est of Numerical Ability consists of 80 marks each and Test of Computer Awareness carry 40 marks. So a total of 200 marks in the written exam. There is negative marking for each wrong answer so you have to be very careful while you answer the difficult questions.
Bank Clerical exam important dates:
Start date of submission of online form:13.04.2010.
Last date of submission of online form:12.05.2010.
Last date for receiving call letter: 22.06.2010
Issue of duplicate call letter:23.06.2010 to 26.06.2010.
date of written exam:27.06.2010.
Syndicate Bank Clerical exam Sample Papers & Books with Exam pattern::
Syndicate Bank has recently brought out a notification for 1000 Probationary Clerical vacancies. You can find the complete information about this Syndicate Bank notification in my previous blog article: Syndicate Bank Clerical Recruitment 2010:Notification, Eligibility & Forms.
The purpose of this blog post is to tell you about the exam pattern/selection procedure for Syndicate Bank Clerical Exam and also to tell you where to find those Online Sample/Model/Mock Test Papers for Syndicate Bank Clerical Exam and recommended books for preparation of the exam.
Exam pattern/selection procedure for Syndicate Bank Clerical Exam:
Syndicate Bank selection process consists of two stages: written test and the interview.
The final merit list would be decided on the basis of marks you score in the Written Test and the Interview of Syndicate Bank Clerical Exam.
Syndicate Bank Clerical Exam pattern:

There are four tests as given below:
1.0 Test of Reasoning.
2.0 Test of Numerical Ability.
3.0 Test of Computer Awareness.
4.0 Test of English.
The mark distribution, along with number of questions that has to be answered within 105 minutes is given as at right. As you can see in “Test of English”, there are 50 questions but without any mark: this paper is of qualifying nature only. You just merely have to pass the same.
also, although it has not been specified in the notification, it is expected that there would be negative marking for wrong answers in the Objective Tests.
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