March 17, 2025

Why Was AIBEA in Hurry To Sign the 11th BPS ?

If 11th BPS is already agreed on 15% hike and signed by AIBEA, why did officers union ask for 90 days to sign MOU ? No banker had ever thought about it ? They are happy that they got the 15% hike and arrears will be paid since 1st Nov 2017. Employees union was very much in hurry to sign the agreement, why ? Though the IBA was offering the same hike in the month of Feb 2020, why didn’t they accept that time itself as nothing had changed on agreement dated 22nd July 2020. Why did AIBOC protest it and want 90 days wait time to sign MOU ?

Know the real reason behind demanding the time frame by AIBOC & AINBOF. 


To erase confusion on Need Based Wages 

1. Our Charter of Demands (COD) was prepared and submitted to IBA by the four officers’ organisations, wherein Wage Revision was demanded on the lines of Need Based Wages, thus differing from the earlier practice of linking wage revision with the profitability adopted in ten bi-partite settlements.
2. The intent of the officer organisations was to oppose, linking salary/ wage revision to the profit and paying capacity of the banks. Hence, they unanimously drafted the Charter of Demands in the lines of Need Based Wages only, for which the members gave their mandate. 

3. The justifications for such change in practice were:

• Suggested Formula was in line with the resolution passed by ILO and being followed by more than 80% of the member countries. 

• Formula being adopted in the pay commission suggestions in our country through which the government officers are getting more salary than us. 
• Paves the way for demanding the officer’s salary equivalent to Grade A officer’s salary of the government which became manifold now, but was at par with the Bank officers during 70s.
4. The charter demanded Bank officer’s salary equivalent to Grade A officers, as the GOI has already equated Bank officers with the Grade A officers in extending benefits under creamy layer criteria and the same was conveyed to IBA too. 

5. Meanwhile Code on Wages Bill 2017 was placed in the Lok Sabha by the Union Government and crux of the bill was matching to our demands, as the Government’s intent was also to fix Wages across the country based on the Need Based Wages to the worker, based on the status enjoyed in the organisation and also to enable him to lead a decent life in the society. 

6. The Government of India has also supported the Need Based Wages Policy by passing the Code on Wages Act, 2019 covering the employees in both organized and unorganized sector. Thus, we again reiterated our demands as the Act did not deviate from the earlier bill and it proposed the following: 

  a. The Need Based Wages policy is based on the dietary and nutrition requirements of the employee and his family as per the Aykroyd formula proposed by the noted nutritionist
   b. The Act includes payment of wages & bonuses to employees of Central Government, railways, mines, oil fields, major ports, air transport service, telecommunication, banking and insurance company or other authorities established by a Central Act or a central public sector undertaking. 
7. The provision of the act suggests that the act is applicable to the officers working in the Insurance and Banking sector. 
8. Now on July 7th Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India has issued a notification seeking the views of the stakeholders for notifying the provisions of the Code on Wages Act 2019. 
9. This notification also speaks about the provisions being applicable to Banking Sector also, as indicated in Schedule B and schedule D. 
10.Moreover, for a specific question to the ministry through RTI, they did not deny the applicability of the act to the Banking sector.
11.Under the present circumstances if we are not happy with the formula of present wage revision and its outcome, we may take up the matter at the appropriate level, as already 90 days time period is available for finalising the salary structure. We may also wait for the Central Government’s notification on Code on Wages Act 2019 provisions, after which we may go for building up of the salary structure if the provisions of the act are beneficial to us. 
12.This way we may succeed in getting the Need Based Wages equivalent to the Grade A Officer in Central Government as per our original demands made in the Charter of Demands submitted to IBA.
3.It may kindly be noted that once the act is notified which is certain 45 days after the 7 th July notification, our next wage revision will be on the basis of the ACT only.
OPINION : Did AIBEA ditch their cadres ?

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