March 17, 2025
Banks Compassionate-Appointments

Married son Can get Compassionate Appointment in Banks

Now Married son Can get Compassionate Appointment in Banks. Department of Financial Services (DFS) has given it’s NOC for appointment of Married sons in the Public Sector Banks on compassionate ground. The Department of Financial Services has written to Indian Bankers’ Association (IBA) in this regard. 

It has been decided that a married son can be considered for compassionate appointment if he otherwise fulfils all the other requirements of the ‘Scheme for Compassionate Appointment’, the DoPT said in an order.

It said the appointment will be subject to the conditions that the candidate is eligible and fulfil the criteria. Until this recent order, married sons were not eligible for compassionate appointments.

Also Read – MP Asked in Rajya Sabha – What is the Transfer Policy in Public Sector Banks ?

Married son can get compassionate appointments

One thought on “Married son Can get Compassionate Appointment in Banks

    A joint undertaking of Govt. of India, Govt. of Assam& Punjab National Bank)
    Head Office: Adam’s Plaza, Christian Basti, G.S. Road, Guwahati-781 005(Assam)
    Phone No: 0361-2131604,2131605,2131606,2131607, Fax: 03612463621
    web site:; e-mail:
    Ref no. AGVB/RO-DBG/ADMN/MISC/01/37/2022-23
    Date: 21.03.2023
    The Regional Manager, Assam Gramin Vikash Bank, Regional Office: Dibrugarh.
    Sri Partha Protim Dihingia,
    S/O Late Dilip Kumar Dihingia, Patsaku, Bhakat Gaon
    PO- Nemuguri, Dist- Sivasagar, Assam, PIN-785674
    Reg: Application for Appointment under Compassionate ground
    With reference to Head Office letter No. AGVB/PER/158/12/2022-23 dated 20.03.2023 and as per the subject mentioned above we would like to inform you that your application for the post of Office Attendant under Compassionate Ground could not be accepted by the competent authority of the Bank. The competent authority has mentioned that the concept of ‘married son’ in the definition of dependent family member in the scheme of compassionate appointment has not been included by

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