March 11, 2025
12th BPS Salary Calculator

Calculate Your New Salary as Per 12th Bipartite

12th Bipartite salary calculator with latest revisions. The salary of all the employees of Public Sector Banks(PSBs) have been revised from 1st Nov 2022with 17% along with 3% load factor. 

Calculate your new salary accurately along with HRA, DA merger, CCA and others. The salary calculator is for all the employees of the bank i.e. Executives, Officers, Clerks, Sub staffs etc.

NOTE : This calculation is excluding the CAIIB addition to the Basic Pay.

NOTE – Comments and modifications are welcome. Just put it below in the comment box.

24 thoughts on “Calculate Your New Salary as Per 12th Bipartite

    1. Capital Cost HRAis not included in drop down list. Also candidate already completed CAIIB as on 01.11.2022 is not given.

  1. Capital Cost not considered. It should be there. One extra Increment for CAIIB to be included. Learning allowance not found. Plz amend accordingly.

  2. Com. Good evening
    AIBOA office bearers meeting held today at 8pm on Google meet.
    Most of the office bearers attended. Some information given in the meeting is as bellow.
    Sc..I 48480..85920
    II. 64820..93980
    III. 85900…98320
    IV. 102940..120960
    V. 120940..135000
    156000 ..173800
    HRA 8%,9% 10%
    DA 2016. 100 index
    Caiib one n caiib two increments
    LFC monetization
    Sc II n above 99000/- per member for four members
    Dependant eligible
    Rs 24000
    Com hope .next week all will be finalised.and from AIBOA eight office bearers will go to signed the agreement
    Full details pay structure and others will be available after signing agreement.
    So please be hopeful n wait
    And another main thing five day banking will be announced immediately may be in the budget session but it is almost final stage.
    Greetings to you all.
    Happy Makar Sakranti,
    Happy Lohri
    Happy Pongal.

  3. Is yearly increment added to basic pay from nov 22 to nov 23….every year one increment must be added…

  4. Capital Cost HRAis not included in drop down list. Also CAIIB already completed as on 01.11.2022 is not mentioned.

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