July 16, 2024

5 Days Banking a Dream for Bankers Now !

Recent talks between AIBEA and IBA on 10th Dec has made it very clear that the much expected demand of the Bankers for 11th Bipartite Wage Settlement will not be fulfilled. The IBA has once again made an excuse on talk for 5 Days banking with AIBEA and informed that it was pending with Government for decision. 

It is only the bankers who must be blamed for their misdeed. Their Unions never raised the demand for 5 Days banking strongly and Officers Union had even signed the 11th BPS without a resistance with a delay of almost 3 years. and mere hike of 15% on total cost.

Check out the Recent Discussion between AIBEA and IBA on 5 Days Banking.

5 days banking

Also Read – 11th BPS Arrears Calculator – All Banks

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