March 17, 2025

2.50%, the Actual Hike To PSB’s Bank Employees under 11th BPS

Jump gift by IBA to public sector bank employees for their hard work. Believe it or not but the actual Salary hike given to Public Sector Bank Employees under 11th Bipartite Settlement is mere 2.50%. Though the Banker’s Union agreed on the settlement with overall 15% pay hike the actual hike in term of basic pay & DA will be mere 2.50%. The remaining amount will be distributed among the non cash components like CCA, Medical Aid, HRA etc. The overall cost has been capped as 7898 Crores.

Read – 11th BPS Meeting Updates – IBA Agreed on Wage Hike with 15%

The public sector bankers are the real financial army for all the development works of the government and driving force for proposed 5 trillion dollar economy. The justification of their hard work can be counted with this hike. It’s really heartbreaking and surprised for many, how did their representatives agree on such a mere hike ? 

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