KVS Teacher Recruitment Age Limit Relaxation For Female

Check out the KVS Teacher Recruitment Age Limit Relaxation For Female of any categories i.e. General, OBC, SC, ST, EWS etc. The age criteria for various posts are stated below, along with age relaxations. Further details about the KVS recruitment, click here.

KVS Recruitment Age Limit for Female Applicants

The age relaxation provided to the Women (including all categories) for the various teaching posts with the exception of the posts of Principal and Vice Principal is 10 Years.

KVS Teacher Recruitment Age Limit Relaxation

The KVS Teacher recruitment age relaxation provided during the previous recruitment notifications are as like below. Kindly ensure with the current notifications for the same. This relaxation also include the Female candidates of all categories.

Category Age Relaxation

Scheduled Tribe / Scheduled Caste (ST / SC)

5 years

Other Backward Classes (OBC)

3 years

Women (including all categories) for the various teaching posts with the exception of the posts of Principal and Vice Principal

10 years
Employees of the KVS There is no age bar for this category
Candidates having the experience of 3 years of continuous services under the Central Government. For this category, the posts are required to be in same or even allied cadres. 5 years for General candidates

8 years for OBC candidates

10 years for ST / SC candidates

People who have been ordinarily domiciled in the State of Jammu and Kashmir during the time period between January 1, 1980, and December 31, 1989. 5 years
People having disabilities. This category for the differently-abled people includes women as well. 10 years for General,

13 years for OBC candidates,

15 years for ST / SC candidates

Ex-Servicemen (General / Unreserved). This category is meant only for the Group B posts. 3 years service after the deduction of the military service rendered from the original age as on the date of closing for the receipt of applications
Ex-Servicemen (OBC). This category is meant only for the Group B posts. 6 years (3 years + 3 years) after the deduction of the military service rendered from the original age as on the date of closing for the receipt of applications
Ex-Servicemen (ST / SC). This category is meant only for the Group B posts.

8 years (3 years + 5 years) after the deduction of the military service rendered from the original age as on the date of closing for the receipt of applications

The Maximum Age Limit for KVS Exam

The maximum age limit stipulated for the various posts are. These age limits are standard and not included with relaxation.

Posts Age Limit
Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) 40 years
Primary Teacher (PRT) 30 years
Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) 30 years

35 years

Notifications :

KVS PRT : Click Here

KVS TGT, PGT, Non-teaching Posts : Click Here


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