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How to Apply for Assistant Professor without Phd Degree ?

Now you can apply for assistant professor without Phd Degree in UGC affiliated colleges and universities including deemed university. Currently, UGC has allowed the industry experts who do not have PhDs. Any working professional with 15years and more experiences in the field of engineering, science, technology, entrepreneurship, commerce, social sciences, media, literature, fine arts, civil services, armed forces, legal profession and public administration etc. can be appointed as assistant professors across universities. Additionally, No formal academic qualification will be taken into consideration if the candidate has exemplary professional practice. 

As per guidelines, these experts will also be exempted from the requirement of publications and other eligibility criteria currently stipulated for the recruitment of faculty members at the professor level. However, they should possess the skills to carry out the duties and responsibilities specified in the following section. 

The posts will not be open for those already in the teaching profession. 

The provision is a part of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 implementation, which focuses on skill- based education to meet needs of industry and economy. 

These posts will be called as “The professors of practice” and will be hired under three categories.

  • Funded by industries,
  • Funded by higher education institutions,
  • Honorary.

Pay Scale

The pay scale for the posts are not yet defined but as per draft guidelines,  

  • Under funded by industries category, the institutions may collaborate with industry to sponsor the positions.
  • In case of second category the institutions will have to pay the professors from their own resources.
  • Under the third category, the institutions may decide on the amount of honorarium from their own resources.

Selection Criteria & how to apply

The selection for the above post is very simple and depends on the vacancies with various colleges or universities. The steps are as below :

  • The head of the institutions will invite nominations from eminent experts.
  • A selection committee, consisting of two senior professors and one eminent external member, will consider the suggestions.
  • Based on the recommendations of the committee, the statutory bodies of the institutes will take a decision to select the candidates.

This is also to remember that this completely will be a contractual post and engagement may initially be for up to one year, which may then be extended for maximum period of 4 years. The maximum duration of service of Professor of Practice at a given institution should not exceed three years and is extendable by one year in exceptional cases and the total service should not exceed four years under any circumstance. Also Know –

CTET Syllabus,Pattern and Selection Procedure


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