Categories: Current Affairs

Important World Organizations and Their Headquarters

 Here is the list of All the World Organizations and their Headquarters, this is the important aspect from any competition point of views eithe Government exam or Private exam. Almost all the exam like Banking, Railways,UPSC, SSC etc cover at least one question from this section.

Candidates preparing for the Competitive exam may use this section for scoring well in General Awareness section. This list includes all the International Organization with the headquarters

International Organization Headquarters  
UNO (United Nations Org) New York
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference
on Trade & Development)
New York
WHO (World Health Org) Geneva
ILO (International Labour Org) Geneva
WTO (World Meteorological Org) Geneva
World Intellectual Property Org Geneva
International Standards Org Geneva
IMF (International Monetary Fund) Washington DC
World Bank Washington DC
UNESCO (United Nations Educational
Scientific and Cultural Org)
OECD (Org. for Economic Cooperation
and Dev.)
UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Dev.
IAEA (International Atomic Energy
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries)
Amnesty International London
Commonwealth of Nations London
IMO (International Maritime
ICJ (International Court of Justice) The Hague
FAO (Food and Agricultural
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
Transparency International Berlin
SAARC (South Asian Association for
Regional Coop.)
ASEAN (Association of South East
Asian Nations)
APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Forum) Singapore
Organization of Islamic Cooperation Jeddah

You May Also Consider :  List of Day and Celebration Event in A Year or List of Presidents and Prime Ministers of Countries in World With Capitals

Please do let me know , If I left any one.


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