Categories: Business News

Bank PO & Clerk Expected Salary After Pay Revision -10th Bipartite Settlement

What would be the Expected Pay Scale and Salary of Bank PO and Clerks after the 10th Bipartite Settlement ? Just go through the Calculation based on IBA and Bank union to find out the perks.

Calculation for 10th Bipartite Settlement For Bank Employees

1. The final Basic pay and other components of Salary i.e. HRA, CCA etc will be calculated as :

Final Basic Pay =  DA merger which is expected by IBA is 60.15%

Now the Remaining Dearness Allowance (DA) will be –  39.96% . Based on the Final Basic the HRA and CCA will be calculated.

It is expected that IBA will accept the 15% increase in Salary then in such cases the Final Salary after Wage Revision would be :

FOR Probationary Officers (PO) :

Existing Basic Pay : Rs 14,500/-

After 60.15% of DA Merging : New basic=14500+8721.75(DA merging 60.15%) + 3483.26 (15% increase )= Rs 26705.01/-

Adding the remaining 39.96% of DA Merging : DA as on FEB 2015 – 60.15% =  100.11%-60.15%=39.96%

The Remaining Dearness Allowance will be 39.96% or you may say 0.15 but after the agreement that has been reduced to 0.12 

Now Calculate the Revised Gross Salary of Bank PO :  Rs 26705.01+ Rs 10671.32 +1741.63(HRA) + 540(CCA  in Metros or City)= Rs. 39667.96/- 

If Arrears Calculation is taken under consideration from 01-11-2012 to Expected Date 31-03-2015 For PO or Asst Manager

For Grade II Managers : Rs. 52868/- 

If Arrears Calculation is taken under consideration from 01-11-2012 to Expected Date 31-03-2015 For PO or Asst Manager

For Clerk Gross Salary will be : Rs 18560 /- (if calculated on same scale with 7200 initial Pay scale)

Now Imagine Which is Better ? A Bank Jobs or …….

10th Bipartite Calculator



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View Comments

  • after settlement still bankers are not back they r too much back camprision to central gov employee even primery master so tell me what kind of settlement union did

  • 39k is almost the gross salary of a PO after 10th settlement . But I guess it should be little more than 39k .

  • IBA is crucifying us Bankers 15% increase in basic pay comparing with central employees is nothing...... Imagine the work load of us bankers, then the pressure OMG.... Central employees arrive at the office by 11am and leave by 4pm and that too not doing anything except 1 or 2 things and they are paid the highest. IBA and Modi's govt are corrupt....... NOT FAIR FOR US BANKERS WITH JUST 15% SALARY HIKE.......

  • As per this calculation, a grade II manager will get only an increase of Rs 3200/- per month, which is very inadequate compared to the increase given to government employees in their last settlement

  • i m working in indian clerk cum i welcomed the job is better..

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