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Exam Tips : SSC CGL General Awareness Preparation Tips,Syllabus and pattern

SSC CGL Syllabus and Preparation Tips for General Awareness (GK and GS), Combined Graduate Level exam (CGL) exam is conducted by Staff Selection Commission (SSC) each year for recruiting thousands of candidates to various government departments. CGL is very high level competitive exam if number of candidates appearance are considered. Every years lacs of candidates appear in the exam and numbers are increasing each year.

There is a need of proper StudyPlan for success in such a highly competitive exam. We have provided the subject wise study plan and this is General Awareness Section. learn How to Prepare for General Awareness in SSC CGL ?

General Awareness Introduction

This section is important because it is asked almost in every competitive exam. if some one score a good number in this section there are chances of scoring high. General Awareness section have had 50 Objective type question.

The pattern of General Awareness asked in previous exam with individual topics are generally from three broad section :

General Science : This section covers around 35-40% question mainly from Topics Biology, Physics, Computers, Chemistry, Daily Science etc. Out of these around 20-25% question are from Biology alone.

Current Affairs : This section covers the various areas like recent development in Sports, Awards, Politics, International happening etc. Few question from Finance and Banking also asked in previous exam.

Miscellaneous : There are few question asked from this section. This section has around 8-10%  weightage in the exam. This section covers areas like National schemes, Unusual GK question, Book Name and writer, question from logical analysis  etc.

Static Way : Question in this section asked from static areas like Indian Politics, History and culture, Economy, Geography etc. This section have around 45-50% weightage in GS question.

How To Prepare For These Topics ?

This is important part to look after. Calculate the number of hours left before the exam when you start preparing for Prelims seriously. Go through the GK preparation step by step. 

1. As you see question from the Miscellaneous part are very less , you should not waste time at this part. 

2. Mainly question re asked from General Science, Current Affairs and Static Way, put your effort at these three section maximum.

3. Focus on few books for your preparation like NCERT Books and Few Good General Awareness and Current Affairs books.

Download NCERT Books : Click Here

BUY GENERAL AWARENESS BOOKS : In English Here | Buy In Hindi Here

4. Read Class Seventh To Class XII NCERT Books of History, Science, Geography. In history section question are from the Important section only so you may choose selective section also. Ancient History can also be left.

5. In Geography section focus should be only at Indian Geography and physical Geography maily from biodiversity part i.e. impact of population on environment e.g. Rivers, Origin, Dam etc

5. Practice Old Papers. It is seen that SSC repeat question very frequently. Practice more and more previous year question to prepare you self. This will help you in understanding the subject topic wise and train you against negative marking.

Download papers from Google or you May Buy it From Here


Never Fear from General Awareness, One can’t prepare completely for General Awareness in a day. Go through the preparation process step by step. 

You should be very selective in books , There are millions books in market but all are not good. 

Go through the practice Set almost once in every week.Prepare with Old SSC Papers.

Finally Good Luck !!!

General Awareness Tier I Click Here
Maths and Quantitative Aptitude for Tier I and II Click Here
Reasoning for Tier I Click Here
English Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension for Tier I and II Click Here
SSC CGL Job profiles of various posts Click Here



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