Categories: CWEIBPS

IBPS CWE II Specialist Officers (SO) Exam Syllabus,Pattern

 Institute of Banking Personal Selection (IBPS) has published the second Common Written Exam (CWE) for recruitment ofSpecialist officer in 19 public sector Banks in specialized cadre i.e. like IT, Technical,Agriculture, Legal, Marketing, HR, Finance, Rajbhasha etc. Details & For Applying Online For SO : Click Here

The pattern of Examination for CWE Specialist Officers (SO) will be :

For Law Officer and Rashtabhasah Adhikari

1. Reasoning: 50 questions of 50 marks

2. English Language: 50 questions of 25 marks

3. General Awareness: 50 questions of 50 marks

4. Test of Professional Knowledge: 50 questions of 75 marks

Total marks: 200

For IT Officer, Agriculature Officer, Technical Officer, HR Officer and Marketing Officer

1. Reasoning: 50 questions of 50 marks

2. English Language: 50 questions of 25 marks

3. Quantitative Aptitude: 50 questions of 50 marks

4. Test of Professional Knowledge: 50 questions of 75 marks

Total marks: 200

CWE Syllabus for Specialist Officers (SO) :


Vocabulary: Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms, Word Formation, Sentence Completion

Comprehension: Theme detection, Deriving Conclusion, Passage Completion

Error Detection and Rearrangement: Passage Correction, Sentence Correction, Spelling

Grammar: Active Passive Voice, Direct Indirect Speech

General Usage: Idioms and Phrases


Verbal Reasoning: Analogy, Coding Decoding, Blood Relation, Sitting Arrangement, Series Completion, Syllogism, Decision Making, Statement Reasoning

Non-verbal Reasoning: Series Completion, Analogy, Classifications


Arithmetic: Numbers, Simplification, Roots, Average, Surds & Indices, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Partnership, Chain Rule, Time & Work, Pipes & Cisterns, Time & Distance, Problems on Trains, Boats & Streams, Alligation, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Stocks & Shares, Clocks, Logarithms, Mensuration, Volume & Surface Area, Permutation & combination, Probability, Heights & Distances

Data Interpretation: Tabulation, Bar Graphs, Line Graphs, Pie Charts


– Knowledge of current events

– Everyday observations and experience in the scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person

– India and its neighboring countries

– Sports, History, Culture, Geography, Economy, General Polity, Indian Constitution, Scientific Research

Around 40-50%  questions will be asked from the areas like Indian Economy, Banking and Finance


This is the area of Specialization of Candidates. Question will be asked from the respected domain knopwledge of candidates. Question will be asked from the chapter assigned during their curriculum from the discipline like Agriculture, Law, Marketing, IT, and HR. For HR and Marketing the question are broadly asked from the MBA standard books of HR and Marketing like Philip Kotler and Organisation Behavior. 


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  • i have uploaded my photo and signature which are very small in size what is the remedy for this i have already submitted the application..

  • I am a person with multiple disability of 48% (Ortho & defective Vision) and have a medical certificate. I would like to apply for the IBPS specialist Officers exam-2013 under PH category. Unfortunately the online application form contains only three categories of Disability ie OC,VI,HI. I am not sure whether I will be able to apply in the PH category.
    The IBPS helpline numbers are of no use as no one is picking up the call all the day. Where can I get an answer for my query?Please reply ASAP.

  • hi i hav completed b.e(ece),in which category should i apply,either in i.t or technical officer..because in technical it has mentioned as electronics and also as electronics and telecomunication and not as ece..and also while filling the form which should i select either electronics or electronics and telecommunication....pls gve me ur sugestion.

  • hi,
    I have a caste certificate issued by my state govt., is that okay to apply as OBC candidate or do I have to have a caste certificate issued by Central Govt. ?

  • i am a graduate in electronics and communication engineering. can i apply for technical officer post? but in notification it is shown that engineering in electronics is needed but when i tried to apply for technical officer using electronics and communication engineering qualification,the website is showing an error. electronics and communication engineering doesn't come under engineering in electronics?

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