Categories: Exam Syllabus

APFC, Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner Exam Syllabus, Books and Study Plan

APFC Exam for Recruitment of ASSISTANT PROVIDENT FUND COMMISSIONER in EPFO is conducted by UPSC but the syllabus for the exam is little different than regular UPSC exam.

APFC exam is conducted for only one paper which is General Ability Test as like first paper of UPSC IAS Prelims. This paper covers almost everything as mentioned below :


1. The questions in General English component of the test will be designed to evaluate candidate’s understanding of English Language and workman-like use of the words.

2. The questions in General Studies component will broadly cover areas like Current Events; Indian Culture, Heritage and Freedom Movements; Population, Development and Globalization; Governance and Constitution of India; Present Trends in Indian Economy; Accountancy and Auditing, Industrial Relations & Labour Laws; Insurance; Basic Knowledge of Computer Applications; General Science; Elementary Maths & Statistics; General Mental Abilities.


1. The test will be of two hours’ duration and will carry a maximum of 100 marks..
2. The test will be objective type questions with multiple choices of answers.
3. The medium of the test will be both English and Hindi.
4. There will be penalty for wrong answers. Every wrong answer will carry a deduction of onethird of the marks assigned to that question. If no answer is marked for a question, there will be no penalty for that question.

How To prepare

APFC exam is not conducted every year so there is only guessing about the paper based on the previous exams. Patterns may be changed but it is expected that the question will be asked from the topics mentioned above.

These posts are to be filled in Employee Provident Fund Organisation under Ministry of Labour & Employment.

prepare for the exam with following books which would help you in acquiring knowledge :

Go through the NCERT Books , download it from : Here

For Studying General Studies Follow through these Books : Click Here

What I believe that Hard Work with revision is the key to success.So do as much as revision you can. This will give you a good result of your hard work. 


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