Categories: SSC Exam

FAQ SSC Combined Graduate Level (Tier-II) Exam 2011

The Staff Selection Commission conducted the Combined Graduate Level (Tier-I) Examination, 2011 on 19.6.2011 and 26.6.2011 all over the country. Against 9,32,358 candidates registered, 6,09,572 candidates actually appeared in this examination…..[check Tier – I results]

Out of this massive number of Candidates the number of candidates provisionally selected for each Paper of Tier-II are Paper-I &II : 79332 and Paper-III : 11087 

It  means the ration of pass in Tier – II exam will be around 1:7 . 

Here are the certain FAQ related to Staff Selection Commission  Combined Graduate Level (Tier-I) Examination, 2011, for which every candidates would encounter while preparing for SSC

Q.1 When do the Tier – II exam for SSC CGL take place ?

Ans : Candidates who have qualified in Tier- I examination are thus eligible for appearing in the Combined Graduate Level (Tier-II) Examination, 2011 which is scheduled to be held on 3rd September,2011 (Paper-III) & 4th September, 2011(Paper-I & II). 

Q.2 When will be the Marks and Cut-off for Non Qualified candidates published ? 

Ans : Marks of the non-qualified candidates of Tier-I and cut-off will be uploaded on SSC’s website along with result of the Re-examination scheduled to be held on 31.7.2011 . Marks of the qualified candidates in Tier-I Examination will be uploaded after declaration of final result. 

Q.3 When do I receive the Admit card for Tier II exam ?

Ans :  SSC has started sending the Admit card for Tier – II exam now, Qualified eligible candidates who do not receive the Admission ticket for the Tier-II Examination ten days before the commencement of the said examination should immediately thereafter contact the respective Regional Office of the Commission.

Q.4 What is the Syllabus for Tier – II CGL SSC Exam ? 

 Ans :  Syllabus for Tier – II of Combined Graduate Level exam are :

Paper-I : Arithmetic Ability

Paper-II : English Language & Comprehension

Paper-III: Statistics for Investigator Grade-II, for Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation & Compiler for RGI

Skill Test: For Post of Tax Assistants ( Central Excise & Income Tax)

Data Entry Speed Test (DEST) at 8,000 (eight thousand) Key Depression per hour on Computer

The “Data Entry Speed Skill Test” at 2000 (two thousand) key depressions for a duration of 15 (fifteen) minutes will be of qualifying nature. Need not to worry since Computer will be provided by the Commission at the Centre/venue notified for the purpose.

You are Welcome to Add your Question If You face any


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  • hai, I am rakesh yellamelli. i got 292 marks in tier -ii and i i hope i will get atleast 50 marks in interview. and the total marks will be 350 around . then what post shall i get for this marks as an SC candidate, . what post was allotted to the candidates for the same marks in previous cgl , plese answere

  • Sir, if a candidate is not able to produce typing of full paragraph which was given to candidate for typing in data entry skill test in CGL 2011 which was held in oct 2011 what will be the result wheather he will be selected or not.

  • my score is 295.50 this is (tier1+tier2) and i belong to obc(oh) so that Plz tell me my chances for which post Plz tell me or send me detail on my email id.

    Pravin kumar

  • Sir my tier1 +tier2 marks with statistics is 370. . The cut off for gen category is 335. . .i am frm a general category. . .my interview was ok ok. . .what r my chances of getting stats investigator job. . .as there was 347 gen s.i. Posts. . What r the chances pleaz tel sir

    • It's really tough to say at this will be very early to say..let's other candidates to share their experiences and marks than only we would be able to tell you the correct solution...

  • well , i made it through to the list of non interview candidates, and all i know is that they gonna test me
    on the basis of typewritting skills , well that's no problem for me , and also they gonna test our excel skills
    so i want to know is , do they require candidate with super knowledge of excel and with advanced skills, or
    just knowing the basic things of excel will be allright , should i join an institute or what ? as far as i know i am okay with excel but not advanced!

    • They have tested your extensive knowledge through Two tier of test, now they are looking for basic soft skill perception about urself like communicaion skills, personality etc...

  • what is the cut off for tier 1exam ,tier 2 exam and the interview separately to get selected for the posts of assistants in ministries in ssc cgl exam 2012?

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