Categories: Career News

UGC NET Online, How To apply For National Eligibility Test ?

UGC National Elgibility Test For Junior Research Fellowship(JRF) and Eligibility For Lectureship – December 2010is announced.

Last date for receipt of duly completed Application Forms at the respective Test Centres is 30.04.2010 Candidates should submit their Application Forms only to the Registrar of the university from where they wish to appear in the Test as indicated in item 10 below.

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The application must be strictly as per the prescribed format.. APPLICATION SENT DIRECTLY TO THE UGC OFFICE WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED

University Grants Commission announces holding of the National Eligibility Test (NET) on 26th June 2011 (Sunday) for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Eligibility for Lectureship in Indian universities and colleges.

Eligibility : Junior Research Fellowship: Not more than 28 years as on 01.06.2011. A relaxation upto 5 years is provided to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH/VH categories and to women applicants. Relaxation will also be provided to the candidates having research experience, limited to the period spent on research in the relevant/related subject of post-graduation degree, subject to a maximum of 5 years, on production of a certificate from appropriate authority. Three years’ relaxation in age will be permissible to the candidates possessing L.L.M. Degree. Total age relaxation on the above ground(s) shall not exceed five years under any circumstances.

Age Limit

i) Junior Research Fellowship : Not more than 28 years as on 01.06.2010. A relaxation upto 5 years is provided to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH/VH categories and to women applicants. Relaxation will also be provided to the candidates having research experience, limited to the period spent on research in the relevant/related subject of post-graduation degree, subject to a maximum of 5 years, on production of a certificate from appropriate authority.

Three years’ relaxation in age will be permissible to the candidates possessing L.L.M. Degree. Total age relaxation on the above ground(s) shall not exceed five years under any circumstances.

ii) Lectureship : No upper age limit.

General Candidates Rs.450/-
Other Backward Classes (Non-creamy layer, as per the Central list of OBC available on website ) Rs.225/-
SC/ST/PH/VH candidates Rs.110/-

Important Dates UGC NET

UGC NET examination: 26th June 2011

i) Last date for Applying On-Line 25th April 2011

ii) Last date for receiving the documents* at the test center: 2-5-2011

For Dertails and How To Apply : Check Here


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