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10 Reasons Why Not To Join Bank as Probationary Officers (PO) ?

When I say “PSB Banks are not a good option“, it may hurt many and probably demotivate newly joined PO at various public sector banks or many of aspirants; who are giving days and night in preparing themselves for Bank PO exam. My concern is not to hurt any of my fellow friends or colleagues or lowering their confidence, rather I just want to showcase the real life of a bank PO to outside world, about actual banking environment, standard of living, Career growth and working scenario in general at any of the Public Sector Banks.

There are many, who are dreaming about getting a good job in bank as Probationary Officer with charming career growth and good money but in real,  they are actually a lost person with full of stress and problematic personal life.

I am a bankers with one of the Premier Nationalized Bank, I just want to share my experience as Bank PO to all my friends through this blog.

I joined as Bank PO, after doing MBA and having good years of experiences with some of the premier IT companies in India at Delhi/Chennai locations. I joined the bank with full zeal and enthusiasm but within a short span I found that – 

1. PSBs are never bothered about the expertise and Qualifications. You may be posted to any of the verticals or branches irrespective of your qualifications or experiences or area of expertise. For PSB, qualifications are mandatory only for fulfilling the eligibility for joining them. It doesn’t matter whether you are highly, average or lowery qualified.

All are same for them whether a graduate from premier institute or an average guy with average qualification from any of the institutes or correspondence courses.

For example an average BA graduate in history may be designated as digital banker where as MBA in Systems may be posted in remote village for cash payment.

2. Newly joined probationary officers are given 15 days training which is as good as your class lectures of BE or MBA or graduation. Training is good only in one respect  i.e. 15 days halting are paid. Many a time, it doesn’t.

3. Post completion of training, you will be posted to branches/offices directly, works are assigned to you by the department head or branch managers. I assure you that in the branches or admin offices, your smart work is not counted rather the number of sitting hours which must be invariably matched with the head/Branch head hours in the office.

4. Operational output is a vague word in the world of public sector banking eternity and no one truly care about it. One has to give 100% in office, it doesn’t matter whether he or she has actually worked or not. It means, if you are a smart worker, you will definitely a looser because you will be assigned a lot of works.

5. If branch is smaller, possibilities are (maximum cases I have seen and under practice in many of the branches) that you will be asked to handle cash counter (Don’t think ,it’s only a clerk job) or at the cash officer table , where you will be showcasing your talent in making DD/PO or if you are lucky enough, you will be asked to make Fixed Deposits. (Which is also a very Irritating, customer mainly senior citizens would eat your all experiences and qualifications while filling 15G/15H form).  

Read : Government Approves Bank Officers Equivalent To Group “A” Post

6. Don’t think you would be given a training or in branch you would be given privilege on newly joined. Manager may ask you to do anything beyond your experience level,  treating it as “On job training”. You will have to learn it by yourself” and the best part , your manager himself may not confident about the guidelines & policies.

7. “Mistake” is a very crucial word in the world of banking industry. If you have done anything wrong, You will be penalized monetarily.

Once I heard from someone, “If some one doesn’t make any mistake, he is God”, For Management all their PO’s and officers are GOD because as per their perception, they actually don’t do “any mistake”.

MBA Principles define 1% human error as acceptable in operational activities but in Banking, 1% error means loss to your one month or more, hard earning salary. Penalty is directly proportional to monetary loss. You did mistake , You will pay the losses. Papa will nicely say “Beta Ghar se bhi le gaye !!” 

8. In true sense , it’s your own “Level of Intelligence” or past experiences, which will help you in dealing with such situations.

9. Whenever you ask for some favor with your higher offices, better not to request anything. 

10. Branch Keys,(Personally it was always awful for me), PO’s are the softest target for holding the branch keys. Very first day of your branch, Branch manager or office in charge will show you the set of some big keys. Same day itself  these keys are your own baby and you will have to look after this.

Do remember, there are hefty penalty on loosing the keys. I do remember one of my friend paid about Rs 16,000 as penalty. Later, I Understood, why do POs called as “Son in law” of the bank ?

Never think that, it’s attender, who will open door of branch for you. Most of the time, it’s you who will open the gate to let them in. Especially in the evening time. I did it along with my Chief Manager many a time. 

11. Never treat yourself as King or son in law of the bank. Even attender will never listen to you. Better not try to assign work to anyone and do it by yourself.

Now close your eyes and think for a minute. This is as like your story if you are a banker. These are just synopsis, the full thesis I would share some other day. 

Do you have a story like this ? Why not you try to share with us : Click Here  

Keep in touch for any issues related to banking careers, preparation or suggestion.

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View Comments

  • I have joined in a RRB one year back.
    In first few months itself I have faced a very bad experience. Usually I used to leave bank after 6pm. But my BM wants me to sit till he sits, but he don't want to convey it directly, so when a senior manager from RO visited the branch, he asked SM to convey that, and SM abused me very badly and ordered me to stay in branch till 7:30 atleast and asked me to attend bank on Saturdays and Sundays.
    Inspite of working hard, I was treated in such manner.

  • You are a big fool and don't know the eligibility for a bank PO. And you are nowhere when compared to a B.A. Graduate who has some common sense. Who the hell requested you to leave your ducking IT job. There are millions of candidate strugling to get Bank job having week family economic background you are a real ducker

  • You are right. This job is very bad. Presently I am working at the rural branch as PO. I do all the lower work like passbook printing, prepare credit-debit slip etc. Clerk orders me to do the work because he is experienced. And manager does not work he only says that manager only directs each staff and manager only receives salary for this. Now I am also thinking to get rid of this job.

  • Belive me guys its better u prepare for ssc I joined bank po 3yeras back in boi ..but u get only passbook printing verifying vouchers and worst posted in a rural branch I latur.....finally I left the job.... I got so much frustrated that I was ready 2go unemployed for some time rather than getting fuc...... At this job

  • i m in confusion between banking and m. pharmacy i have done my graduation in pharmacy pls suggest me

  • Let me share my experience. I am from Nagpur I had great aspirations in my life.Just when you join as an officer in bank you see each and every dream of yours shattered day and night.Paying 35 k monthly these people will ruin your career. Its only 15 days in banking career for me but I already started hating it big time.Sense of dejection fill in my mind even as I enter in any of the banks ATM.

    It was I who chose to get into this quagmire and I am regretting it.

    Each and every thing in this post is true. I left hefty salaried job just because of this government job. I worked in MNC for six months and they were paying quite hefty salary and now my work in this bank is to tell people which is withdrawal slip and which is payment slip.

    Being posting in extreme rural area and my being scale 2 branch only I was asked to handle cash management on the 2 nd of my joining and then after 3 days asked to handle branch alone as he got promoted from scale 2 to scale 3 and got transferred.

    But one advantage of being in the rural area is that you get lots of :time to get out of this quigmire and start doing something worthwhile .

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