RBI Grade B Exam Paper, General Awareness Test Paper

RBI, Reserve Bank of India is conducting Exam for Grade B Officers in Bank on 6th of Feb 2011. Here is the Previous Year General Awareness Paper of RBI.

Q.1. Article seventeen of the constitution of India provides for

(a) equivalence prior to law.
(b) equivalence of event in counts of open employment.
(c) extermination of titles.
(d) extermination of untouchability.

Q.2. Article 370 of the constitution of India provides for
(a) proxy supplies for Jammu & Kashmir.
(b) special supplies in apply oneself of Nagaland.
(c) special supplies in apply oneself of Manipur.
(d) supplies in apply oneself of monetary emergency.

Q.3. How many permanent members have been there in Security Council?
(a) Three
(b) Five
(c) Six
(d) Four

Q.4. The United Kingdom is the classical e.g. of a/an
(a) aristocracy
(b) comprehensive monarchy
(c) inherent monarchy
(d) polity.

Q.5. Social Contract Theory was advocated by
(a) Hobbes, Locke as well as Rousseau.
(b) Plato, Aristotle as well as Hegel.
(c) Mill, Bentham as well as Plato.
(d) Locke, Mill as well as Hegel.

Q.6. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is inaugurated by the
(a) President
(b) Prime Minister.
(c) Members of both Houses of the Parliament.
(d) Members of the Lok Sabha.

Q.7. Who is called the ‘Father of History’?
(a) Plutarch
(b) Herodotus
(c) Justin
(d) Pliny

Q.8. The Vedas have been well well known as
(a) Smriti.
(b) Sruti.
(c) Jnana.
(d) Siksha.

Q.9. The members of Estimate Committee are
(a) inaugurated from the Lok Sabha only.
(b) inaugurated from the Rajya Sabha only.
(c) inaugurated from both the Lok Sabha as well as the Rajya Sabha.
(d) nominated by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.

Q.10. Who is the arch confidant to the Governor?
(a) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
(b) Chief Minister.
(c) Speaker of the Lok Sabha.
(d) President.

Q.11. Foreign banking that has the bent of discerning emigration is called
(a) Scarce currency.
(b) Soft currency.
(c) Gold currency.
(d) Hot currency.

Q.12. Which of the following is the improved dimensions of Economic Development?
(a) GDP
(b) Disposable income
(c) NNP
(d) Per capita income

Q.13. In India, sheltered stagnation is in all celebrated in
(a) the civilised world sector.
(b) the bureau sector.
(c) the make make use of of sector.
(d) All these sectors.

Q.14. If the line made in Surat have been solitary in Mumbai or Delhi afterwards it is
(a) Territorial trade.
(b) Internal trade.
(c) International trade.
(d) Free trade.

Q.15. The important aphorism “GARIBI HATAO” (Remove Poverty) was launched during the
(a) First Five-Year Plan (1951-56)
(b) Third Five-Year Plan (1961-66)
(c) Fourth Five-Year Plan (1969-74)
(d) Fifth Five-Year Plan (1974-79)

Q.16. Bank Rate refers to the seductiveness rate during which
(a) Commercial banks embrace deposits from the public.
(b) Central bank gives loans to Commercial banks.
(c) Government loans have been floated.
(d) Commercial banks accede to loans to their customers.

Q.17. All the products that have been shock as well as singular in supply have been called
(a) Luxury goods.
(b) Expensive goods.
(c) Capital goods.
(d) Economic goods.

Q.18. The speculation of monopolistic foe is grown by
(a) E.H.Chamberlin
(b) P.A.Samuelson
(c) J.Robinson
(d) A.Marshall

Q.19. Smoke is shaped due to
(a) plain diluted in gas.
(b) plain diluted in liquid.
(c) gas diluted in solid.
(d) gas diluted in gas.

Q.20. Which of the following containing alkali is used in photography?
(a) Aluminum hydroxide
(b) Silver bromide
(c) Potassium nitrate
(d) Sodium chloride.

Q.21. Gober gas (Biogas) especially contains
(a) Methane.
(b) Ethane as well as butane.
(c) propane as well as butane.
(d) methane, ethane, propane as well as propylene.

Q.22. Preparation of ‘Dalda or Vanaspati’ ghee from unfeeling oil utilises the following process
(a) Hydrolysis
(b) Oxidation
(c) Hydrogenation
(d) Ozonoloysis

Q.23. Which colour is the interrelated colour of yellow?
(a) Blue
(b) Green
(c) Orange
(d) Red

Q.24. During soaking of cloths, you make make use of of sapphire due to its
(a) improved cleaning action.
(b) correct pigmental composition.
(c) tall stately nature.
(d) really low cost.

Q.25. Of the following Indian satellites, that the single is dictated for prolonged stretch telecommunication as well as for transmitting TV programme?
(b) Aryabhata
(c) Bhaskara
(d) Rohini

Q.26. What is the full form of ‘AM’ per air wave broadcasting?
(a) Amplitude Movement
(b) Anywhere Movement
(c) Amplitude Matching
(d) Amplitude Modulation.

Q.27. Who is the writer of Gandhi’s the the single preferred Bhajan Vaishnava jana to tene kahiye?
(a) Purandar Das
(b) Shyamal Bhatt
(c) Narsi Mehta
(d) Sant Gyaneshwar

Q.28. Which the single of the following is not the butterfly borne disease?
(a) Dengu fever
(b) Filariasis
(c) Sleeping sickness
(d) Malaria

Q.29. What is the principal ore of aluminium?
(a) Dolomite
(b) Copper
(c) Lignite
(d) Bauxite

Q.30. Which nation is the monitor for assent talks in in between the LTTE as well as the Sri Lankan Government?
(a) The US
(b) Norway
(c) India
(d) The UK

Q.31. The top physique that approves the Five-Year Plan in India is the
(a) Planning Commission
(b) National Development Council
(c) The Union Cabinet
(d) Finance Ministry

Q.32. Ceteris Paribus is Latin for
(a) ” all alternative things non-static ”
(b) “other things increasing”
(c) “other things being equal”
(d) “all alternative things decreasing”

Q.33. Who has been conferred the Dada Saheb Phalke Award (Ratna) for the year 2007?
(a) Dev Anand
(b) Rekha
(c) Dilip Kumar
(d) Shabana Azmi

Q.34. Purchasing Power Parity speculation is compared with
(a) Interest Rate.
(b) Bank Rate.
(c) Wage Rate.
(d) Exchange Rate.

Q.35. India’s greatest craving currently is
(a) the Indian Railways.
(b) the Indian Commercial Banking System.
(c) the India Power Sector.
(d) the India Telecommunication System.

Q.36. The central group obliged for calculating approximately National Income in India is
(a) Indian Statistical Institute.
(b) Reserve Bank of India.
(c) Central Statistical Organisation.
(d) National Council for Applied Economics as well as Research.

Q.37. Which of the following has the solitary right of arising banking (except the single rupee coins as well as notes) in India?
(a) The Governor of India
(b) The Planning Commission
(c) The State Bank of India
(d) The Reserve Bank of India

Q.38. In the bill sum of the Government of India the disproportion in in between sum output as well as sum taking is called.
(a) Fiscal deficit
(b) Budget deficit
(c) Revenue deficit
(d) Current deficit

Q.39. Excise avocation upon the commodity is upon credit with anxiety to its
(a) production.
(b) prolongation as well as sale.
(c) Production as well as transportation.
(d) Production, travel as well as sale.

Q.40. In the US, the President is inaugurated by
(a) The Senate.
(b) Universal Adult Franchise.
(c) The House of Representatives.
(d) The Congress.

Q.41. Fascism believes in
(a) Peaceful change
(b) Force
(c) Tolerance
(d) Basic Rights for the individual

Q.42. Which is the many necessary duty of an entrepreneur?
(a) Supervision
(b) Management
(c) Marketing
(d) Risk bearing

Q.43. Knowledge, technical skill, preparation ‘etc.’ in economics, have been regarded as
(a) social-overhead capital.
(b) tellurian capital.
(c) discernible earthy capital.
(d) operative capital.

Q.44. What is the operation of Agni III, the long-range ballistic missile, test-fired by India recently?
(a) 2,250 km
(b) 3,500 km
(c) 5,000 km
(d) 1,000 km

Q.45. Nathu Laa, the place where India-China limit traffic has been resumed after 44 years, is located upon the Indian limit in
(a) Sikkim.
(b) Arunachal Pradesh.
(c) Himachal Pradesh
(d) Jammu as well as Kashmir.

Q.46. M. Damodaran is the
(a) Chairman, Unit Trust of India.
(b) Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India.
(c) Chairman, Securities as well as Exchange Board of India.
(d) Chairman, Life Insurance Corporation of India.

Q.47. What is the name of the Light Combat Aircraft grown by India indigenously?
(a) BrahMos
(b) Chetak
(c) Astra
(d) Tejas

Q.48. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain?
(a) Tony Blair
(b) Jack Straw
(c) Robin Cook
(d) Gordon Brown.

Q.49. The 2010 World Cup Football Tournament will be hold in
(a) France.
(b) China.
(c) Germany.
(d) South Africa.

Q.50. Who is the benefaction Chief Election Commissioner of India?
(a) Navin Chawla
(b) N.Gopalswamy
(c) T.S.krishnamoorty
(d) B.B.Tandon

Q.51. The pretension of the book not long ago created by Jaswant Singh, former Minister of External Affair, is
(a) A call of Honour – In the Service of Emergent Inida
(b) Whither Secular India?
(c) Ayodhya as well as Aftermath
(d) Shining India as well as BJP.

Q.52. What was the strange name of “Nurjahan”?
(a) Jabunnisa
(b) Fatima Begum
(c) Mehrunnisa
(d) Jahanara

Q.53. Which of the following pairs is not rightly suited ?
(a) Lord Dallhousie- Doctrine of Lapse
(b) Lord Minto- Indian Councils Act, 1909
(c) Lord Wellesley- Subsidiary Alliance
(d) Lord Curzon- Vernacular Press Act, 1878

Q.54. The range of Bengal was partitioned in to dual tools in 1905 by
(a) Lord Lytton.
(b) Lord Ripon.
(c) Lord Dufferin.
(d) Lord Curzon.

Q.55. The necessary facilities of the Indus Valley Civilization was
(a) ceremony of forces of nature.
(b) orderly city life.
(c) rural farming.
(d) standing society.

Q.56. Name the collateral of Pallavas.
(a) Kanchi.
(b) Vattapi.
(c) Trichnapalli.
(d) Mahabalipuram.

Q.57. The Home Rule League was due by
(a) M.K.Gandhi
(b) B.G.Tilak
(c) Ranade
(d) K.T.Telang

Q.58. The Simon Commission was boycotted by the Indians because
(a) it sought tocurb polite liberties.
(b) it due to assign India.
(c) it was an all-white elect Indian representation.
(d) it due measures for nationalism.

Q.59. Storm of gases have been manifest in the cover of the Sun during
(a) Cyclones
(b) Anti-cyclones
(c) Lunar-eclipse
(d) Solar eclipse.

Q.60. The Indian Councils Act of 1990 is compared with
(a) The Montagu Decleration.
(b) The Montagu- Chelmsford Reforms.
(c) The Morley-Minto Reforms.
(d) The Rowlatt Act.

Q.61. The age of tree can be dynamic some-more or reduction fairly by
(a) counting the series of branches.
(b) measuring the tallness ,of the tree.
(c) measuring the hole of the trunk.
(d) counting the series of rings in the trunk.

Q.62. Of all micro-organisms, the many variable as well as versatile are
(a) Viruses
(b) Bacteria
(c) Algae d) Fungi

Q.63. What is an endoscope?
(a) It is an visual instrument used to see inside the supplying nourishment canal
(b) it is device that is propitious upon the chest of the studious to regularize the strange heart beats
(c) It is an instrument used for examining ear disorders
(d) It is an instrument for recording electrical signals constructed by the tellurian muscles.

Q.64. The mildew in that the sugarine turn enlarge is well well known as
(a) Diabetes mellitus
(b) Diabetes insipidus
(c) Diabetes imperfectus
(d) Diabetes sugarensis

Q.65. The President of India is inaugurated by
(a) members of both Houses of the Parliament.
(b) members of both houses of Parliament of State Legislatures.
(c) members of both Houses of the State Legislative Assemblies.
(d) Elected members of both Houses of the Parliament as well as members of Legislative Assemblies.

Q.66. The nitrogen benefaction in the ambience is
(a) of no make make use of of to plants.
(b) damaging of plants.
(c) without delay employed by plants.
(d) employed by micro-organisms.

Q.67. Diamond as well as Graphite are
(a) allotropes
(b) isomorphous
(c) isomers
(d) isobars

Q.68. Kayak is kind of
(a) genealogical tool.
(b) boat.
(c) ship.
(d) weapon.

Q.69. Which of the following has the top calorific value?
(a) Carbohydrates
(b) fats
(c) Proteins
(d) Vitamins.

Q.70. Rotation of crops means
(a) flourishing of opposite crops in period to say dirt fertility.
(b) the little crops have been flourishing again as well as again.
(c) dual or some-more crops have been grown concurrently to enlarge productivity.
(d) None of these.

Q.71. Suez Canal connects
(a) Pacific Ocean as well as Atlantic Ocean.
(b) Mediterranean Sea as well as Red Sea.
(c) Lake Huron as well as Lake Erie.
(d) Lake Erie as well as Lake Ontario.

Q.72. Which of the following ports has the largest hinterland?
(a) Kandla
(b) Kochi
(c) Mumbai
(d) Vishkhapatnam.

Q.73. “Slash as well as Burn agriculture” is the name since to
(a) routine of potato cultivation.
(b) routine of deforestation.
(c) churned framing.
(d) changeable cultivation.

Q.74. The categorical reason for deforestation in Middle East is
(a) extreme fuel timber collection.
(b) extreme dirt erosion.
(c) floods.
(d) building the whole of roads.

Q.75. Recharging of H2O list depends on
(a) volume of rainfall.
(b) service of the area.
(c) foliage of the area.
(d) volume of percolation.

Answers Part :
1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (b) 11. (d) 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (a) 17. (d) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (b) 21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (a) 25. (d) 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (d) 30. (a) 31. (c) 32. (c) 33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (c) 36. (d) 37. (b) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (b) 41. (d) 42. (a) 43. (b) 44. (a) 45. (c) 46. (c) 47. (d) 48. (d) 49. (b) 50. (a) 51. (c) 52. (d) 53. (d) 54. (b) 55. (a) 56. (b) 57. (c) 58. (d) 59. (c) 60. (d) 61. (a) 62. (a) 63. (a) 64. (d) 65. (d) 66. (a) 67. (b) 68. (b) 69. (a) 70. (b) 71. (d) 72. (d) 73. (a) 74. (d) 75. (a)


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