Categories: Colleges

Dr. D.C. Pavate Memorial Fellowships in Cambridge, 2011

Dr. D.C. Pavate Memorial Fellowships in Cambridge, 2011

Karnatak University,

The Dr. D.C. Pavate Foundation in collaboration with Karnatak University, Dharwad and Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge offer three visiting fellowships annually for a period of four months to be held at one Centre of International Studies / Department of Politics and International Studies, Judge Business School and the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics / Department of Material Sciences and Metallurgy / Department of Chemistry / Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge.

Candidates below the age of 40 years as on 1st January 2011, who have secured a Ph.D., or a first class Masters Degree or its equivalent are eligible to apply for the following fellowship:

a.One fellowship at the Centre of International Studies / Department of Politics and International Studies, Cambridge, selected on all India basis: The fellowship will be effective from September 2011. Candidates with good academic record in the areas if History, Political Science, International Economics, International Law or Military Affairs will be considered.

b.One fellowship at Judge Business School, Cambridge, selected from among Karnataka Candidates : This fellowship will be effective from January 2011. Candidates from Karnataka with good academic record and interest in any aspect of Indian Business and Management will be considered.

c.One fellowship at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics/ Department of Material Sciences and Metallurgy/ Department of Chemistry / Department of Zoology, selected from among Karnataka Candidates: This fellowship will be effective from May 2011. Candidates from Karnataka with good academic record in the area of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Material Sciences and Metallurgy, Chemistry and Zoology will be considered.
The selection and award is subject to the Department concerned identifying a host research group accepting the successful candidates. Further information on the research groups and / or their faculty members’ research interests can be found on the departmental websites of the University of Cambridge. Karnataka Candidate :

i.Educated for a minimum of 5 years continuously at an educational Institution located in Karnataka, or

ii.employed in Karnataka for a minimum of 5 years continuously.

The Fellowships will cover economy class return air fare, stipend of 3500 pounds sterling and 2700 pounds sterling academic charges.

Applications can be obtained from the office of,

The Coordinator,
Dr. D.C. Pavate Foundation,
University College of Law,
College Road,
Dharwad – 580 001,
Telefax : 0836-24481 77,
E-mail :,

By sending a self addressed and duly stamped envelope of 25×10 cms size or downloaded from

Application forms should reach to the above address by10th June 2010.


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